Fee Rules


  1. Fee once paid is not refundable.
  2. All official receipts must be kept in safe custody because they may be checked anytime.
  3. College leaving certificate (CLC) is issued only after all dues have been paid. A student is expected to have paid fee up to the month during which CLC is issued. A student is required to collect security fee while taking the CLC.
  4. A Student is required to inform the college immediately if she decides to discontinue studies, failing which, she will continue to run in arrears of fee which will have to be cleared before CLC is issued and the security deposit refunded.
  5. The security deposit shall stand lapsed, in favour of the college after one year of declaration of final examination results.


  1. Until her name is formally withdrawn, a student is liable to pay the college fee and fines levied upon her.
  2. A student absenting herself without leave application for more than six working days is liable to have her name struck off from the college roll.


  1. Fee challan is issued by the college office and deposited in the bank at the time of admission.
  2. Fee is collected in advance for all disciplines.


  1. The Principal has the power to remit only half of the tuition fee of a limited number of deserving students.
  2. Good conduct and satisfactory progress in studies are essential requirements for the grant of financial assistance
  3. Fee concession may be withdrawn for misconduct, irregularity and poor academic performance
  4. Half tuition fee concession is granted to the students whose siblings are studying in the institution of FGEI (Cant / Garrison).
  5. Application for fee concession must be made on the prescribed form available from the college office and it must be countersigned by the father/mother of the applicant and duly verified by his/her employer in respect of monthly emolument.

Fee Structure


01Tution Fee 304040
02Student Fund 404040
03Exam Fund 353535
04 Library Fund 353535
05 Magazine Fund 151515
06 Sports Fund 202020
07 Furniture Fund 202020
08 Lab Fund 04040
09 Building Fund 303030
10 Computer Fund 0030
11 RDF 150150150
12 RWF 100100100
13 Security Fund 757575
14 CSF 505050
Total 600650 680


S.NoAccount HeadRs
01 Admission Fee 70
02Tution Fee 420
03General Fund 300
04 Sports Fund 600
05 Library Fund 600
06 Science Fund 1200
07 RDF 390
08 Building Fund 600
09 Magazine Fund 325
10Examination Fund 3000
11 Visiting Faculty Fund 4500
12 Uni Exam Fee 4220
13 Computer Fund 300
14 Security (FGEI)450
15 RWF 810
16 10% Uni Share 1212
17 Furniture 600
18 CSF300
19ID Card Fee80
20 Other Charges 20
Total 19507
Grand Total 19997